How to make choosing easier
Sheena Iyengar
We all want customized experiences and products — but when faced with 700 options, consumers freeze up. With fascinating new research, Sheena Iyengar demonstrates how businesses (and others) can improve the experience of choosing.

Why do we love?
Skye C. Cleary
Ah, romantic love; beautiful and intoxicating, heart-breaking and soul-crushing. If romantic love has a purpose, neither science nor psychology has discovered it yet – but over the course of history, some of our most respected philosophers have put forward some intriguing theories.
The secret sneaker market –and why it matters
Josh Luber
Josh Luber is a “sneakerhead,” a collector of rare or limited sneakers. In this talk, he takes us on a journey into this complicated, unregulated market and imagines how it could be a model for a stock market for commerce.

On glamour
Virginia Postrel
In a timely talk, cultural critic Virginia Postrel muses on the true meaning, and the powerful uses, of glamour — which she defines as any calculated, carefully polished image designed to impress and persuade.
Fashion and creativity
Isaac Mizrahi
Fashion designer Isaac Mizrahi spins through a dizzying array of inspirations — from ’50s pinups to a fleeting glimpse of a woman on the street who makes him shout “Stop the cab!” Inside this rambling talk are real clues to living a happy, creative life.